JH Devi



Welcome to this healing and personal development platform created by Justine Hodgson (JH). Here to assist in opening up your very own unique gateway to understanding your true self and helping you to feel better with therapy. Learn to connect to your souls fingerprint, it's very own navigation system buried deep within your intelligent, energetic systems.

The DEVI meaning is an all embracing Mother Goddess. Heavenly Divine, anything of Excellence.

A piece of DEVI is within us all, you just need to clear the rubble, the burdens you've collected and bring your magick closer to the surface in order to shine brighter and lighter.

Welcome to your journey to finding YOU through me as your supportive guide and my integrated therapies. Each person is as unique as their own fingerprint that's why each individuals session is designed specifically for the individual by integrating the best fit therapies for each individual. This could be a combination of any of the therapies you see below or one therapy as a stand alone that suits your profile best.

Put simply, because you're unique so too is your journey with me and my work because no two people are the same. I'm extremely happy that your intuition has brought you to my platform. Welcome and blessings. JH x


Curative Hypnotherapy is a natural therapy that can help you to cope with the problems and challenges of everyday life like anxiety, phobias, fears, self esteem or even addiction to name but a few.

Hypnotherapy is a natural therapy that can help you to cope with the problems and challenges of everyday life like Anxiety, phobias or fears, self esteem, addiction ie smoking and Weightlose to name but a few. Curative is a more holistic feel to the sessions and work we do together. The word 'hypnotherapy' is derived from ‘hypno’ - relating to ‘hypnosis’, and ‘therapy’ because of the therapeutic suggestions that are given during treatment.

Hypnosis is an enhanced state of relaxation. You are not asleep, but it is something like a state just before you drift off to sleep - you can still hear everything, speak and even move around if you wished to. When you are in that state, your subconscious mind is more accessible and open to suggestion.


Emotional Freedom Technique

At the cutting edge in the field of energy psychology is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which utilises the meridian system and is therefore often known as meridian therapy or meridian psychotherapy. It's commonly known as 'Tapping therapy' and muscle testing. A very popular therapy.

A basic theory of energy work is that the energy field, or aura body, contains energy structures and channels through which the life force flows. The most well known of these are the chakras and the meridians. The chakras are often referred to in metaphysical and spiritual work and are thought to act something like transformers, taking energy in one form and converting it into another. The meridians are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine,(TCM) acupuncture, acupressure, chi kung and reiki and are considered to be primary channels for the life force energy, much like an 'energy bloodstream'.

EFT tapping uses the same energy meridians in the body as acupuncture. When the flow of energy becomes blocked because of pain, trauma or an experience, fears can start to grow. EFT helps to alter that flow of energy. We can work to process those emotions through tapping on various parts of the face and body. matching that with positive statements, we can transform our negative beliefs into positive ones. Using tapping in your daily routine can help with daily stresses and anxieties. It can also ease chronic pain, treat addictions, eliminate phobias and help elevate allergies, the list is endless.

If you would like to see what the basic set up in EFT looks like just click the link and take a look at a short example over on my youtube channel.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy that focuses on the particular ways in which an individual thinks, behaves and acts, in the attempt to deal successfully with their behavioural, emotional and social problems and issues. This is a powerful talk therapy.

The difference between psychotherapy and behavioural therapy is that psychotherapy tends to emphasise the importance of the personal meaning placed upon things and how the majority of thinking patterns begin in childhood. Behavioural therapy relates to everything the person does. How they act with other people, when they are alone. How they avoid certain aspects of life and how they engage and interact with the world around them. How active or inactive towards being involved in participating in life on a healthy level.

The great advantage that ‘CBT’ has over other therapies is that clients undergoing ‘CBT’ treatment are actually learning the educational aspects of the therapy, which is then empowering them to become their own personal therapist and to be more aware of the circumstances, situations, behaviours and people that could cause them to lapse and therefore to be able to avoid these aspects in their lives. I bring together a combination of CBT and Curative Hypnosis to assist a number of my clients and we have experienced amazing results. Especially in stress related disorders.

I bring together a combination of CBT and Curative Hypnosis to assist a number of my clients and we have experienced amazing results. Especially in stress related disorders.

'Mental Health Award Winning Therapist 2023' - Most Empowering Integrated Therapist S West.

Click here to read more.

JH Devi 2023


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